Mr. Prager, your sanguine, over-burdened verbal pretension does not amount to true human insight.

It is what happens when pompous pseudo-intellectuals who perceive their penchant for twisting obtuse arguments into partisan justifications for actual insight. Right wing talk show host Dennis Prager  in another life might consider auditioning  as a contortionist for Circ du Soleil blames the media in the coverage of the Brett Kavanagh rape accusation, as well as today’s congressional hero not just on the media, but on that “woman” hired by Republicans to grill Kavanaugh’s accuser, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. Prager’s fraud is tantamount to a paid mob lawyer asserting that “the victim strangled himself, then shot himself six times in the back before throwing himself into the river, respectfully, your honor.”

Respectfully indeed. And for the record, it is almost unprecedented that virtually every talk station, Left and Right, and most television and cable stations ran today’s testimony with minimal interruption. I guess Prager believes it betrays bias simply in illuminating fully the hearings today. There is no truth, but for that filtered and repackaged by Prager and his ilk. Prager was theatrically incensed, cultishly defending a Supreme Court staggered by the emotional and believable testimony of Dr. Ford, who accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her while the two were classmates at a gathering some 35 years ago. It should be noted here that Prager did not run the hearings uninterrupted, but instead only used cherry-picked moments. Why? Because his job is propaganda not discourse or factual illumination.

And the pathetic passive aggressive, snide little tactic Prager used to impugned Dr. Ford?Let me explain a little talk radio trick.

I am in talk radio. I’ve done political talk radio, a bit of television, more radio interviews than I can count, and now have a new program dedicated to the Arts. I learned very early a nasty little trick about communicating truly cruel or crass statements. The rule is not to cross  a certain line when attacking or defaming someone on air, particularly someone as sympathetic as Dr. Ford. Let your cultivated cadre of nasty callers say those things, while you half heartedly, perhaps with a chuckle, lightly admonishing the caller. The message still gets out. Talk radio people do it all the time. It’s cheap, and amateurish and petty and defines the lack of talent by a ridiculous host.

Moreover, Prager and most on the Right assert, that this incident happened 35 years ago, and shouldn’t matter. They decry that someone squeaky clean and upstanding like Brett Kavanaugh must not be discarded from SCOTUS consideration simply on witness testimony. Twenty years ago we all assumed Bill Cosby would never drug and rape a woman, let alone 60! Climb down from your Taliban-style cross, Prager, and take Kavanaugh with you.

Where is the hard evidence? Kavanaugh was just a child. Of course, if he was Black, Prager would want the “child” thrown in jail and charged as an adult. As for witness testimony, there are Black men in prison and on death row convicted on testimony alone. I listen somewhat regularly to Prager and never once heard him address that injustice. Indeed, I never once heard a denunciation of fake-Rightwing news about President Obama being a Muslim because he liked for a time as a child in Indonesia.

Prager makes it too easy, and I’d be happy to debate him anywhere and anytime. Then again it is always pointless arguing with idiots, except when predatory media companies they work for artificially ram them into every radio market in the nation. It isn’t about ratings.

And so Prager prospers from being the paid salesmen for sycophants. To pull a quote from my war memoir, “Everything for Love,” Prager is an example of  a twisted political ideology that mandates “…the just will suffer while their persecutors luxuriate in their own filth.”


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